What actually happened in the Garden of Eden according to the Biblical text, not the Christian myth.

There is no more-important story to get correct than the one that starts and ends the entire Biblical text. What really happened in the garden? The story Judaism and Christianity (Rome) tells about the snake deceiving the woman and causing the fall of man, simply is not in the Biblical text. We are told what to see and so we do. Let’s start over and see what the text actually says. What you will discover changes everything.

Read the book, The 12th Planet by Zechariah Sitchin.

Read in the Bible:

Job 1-2 & 28.

Genesis 1-3.

Psalm 82.

John – with these 5 questions in mind. What did Jesus say about: 1. Himself. 2. His father. 3. Where he came from. 4. What he came to do. 5. What will soon happen. 


Read seeking the answer to this question:

Who is Jesus in the Annunaki Pantheon of gods?

Once you have answered the question, everything will then start to unpack itself for you. 

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